Never Run Out of Your Fav Lipstick Again: How the Cosmetics Industry Just Changed!
Hey There, What if I told you that one day we’ll be able to make our own cosmetics from the comfort of our living rooms…would you believe...
Throwback Thursday: Eunice Johnson & The Ebony Fashion Fair
In honor of Throwback Thursday, we're sharing a vlog our Content Editor, Jennifer, posted last November in honor of beauty & fashion...

A Yummy Scent!
Hi Ladies, Earlier this month our Content Editor, Jennifer, had the opportunity to attend the Beauty Press Spotlight Day in New York. She...

A Floral Obsession!
To quote the infamous, sarcastic words of Miranda in The Devil Wear Prada, “Florals? For spring? How groundbreaking.” Well, Miranda we...

Nina's Sweet Secret
Hello Ladies, I’ve had a few of you ask what my favorite scents are this season, so I want to share my top three perfumes of the moment...

5 Style Tips from Audrey Hepburn: #5
5. Keep It Simple, But Have Fun. Words like “simple”, “classic”, and “less is more” don"t equate to being boring. You can keep your look...

5 Style Tips from Audrey Hepburn: #4
4. “For beautiful eyes…” Audrey knew the importance of bringing out the eyes with makeup. Her signature look was her full dark eyebrows,...

5 Style Tips from Audrey Hepburn: #3
3. Always Accessorize Nothing adds a fashionable boost to your look like the perfect accessories, and Audrey mastered this. She often...
CAbi: St. Barths Collection Sneak Peek
The perfect summer wardrobe additions have arrived!

5 Style Tips from Audrey Hepburn: #2
2. It’s Ok To Wear The Pants. Today we see menswear inspired pieces on the red carpet and in street style, but Audrey is credited with...