Danielle Lewis
/creative director & writer
Meet The
Fashionably Nina Team!

An Atlanta native and LA resident, Danielle is dedicated to enriching the lives of others through her writing and community outreach. Having gleaned a passion for graphic design at an early age, Danielle discovered her love of branding and print media in high school. That love affair has continued through her adult life, allowing her to partner with the Fashionably Nina Team to create a site dedicated to living a full, fashionable life.
Team work makes the dream work, and that is certainly no exception for
Meet the amazingly talented people behind the Fashionably Nina brand.
Jennifer Washington
/content editor
Jennifer Washington is a Nurse that is redefining her outreach to her circle by caring through writing, social media and activism. Her love for fashion goes back to infancy, being a virtual doll for her Mother who dressed her up so sharp that people would ask: "Should I know who this little girl is...is she on television or something?" Jennifer parlayed that early entry into the world of fashion into a modeling career in her teens and traveled for The Ebony Fashion Show and Europe. She now has fun designing her "Dream Closet" of fashions every Friday in a social media romp through her dreamscape boutiques and loves to use the hashtag #NoScrubs as a tongue in cheek wink at her triumph over Nursing Scrubs! She loves and is so inspired by Fashionably Nina and loves the coaching.