Never Run Out of Your Fav Lipstick Again: How the Cosmetics Industry Just Changed!
Hey There,
What if I told you that one day we’ll be able to make our own cosmetics from the comfort of our living rooms…would you believe me? Kinda crazy, huh? I know, right! Well, what I said that “one day” is actually a lot sooner than we think? Allow me to introduce you to a concept that will very likely blow your mind while at the same time completely revolutionizing the cosmetics industry– the ability to “print” your very own makeup…wait for it…in the exact color of your choosing. Did you fall in love with the Wedgewood colored Prada gown worn by Lupita at the Oscars this year? Imagine being able to find that image on the web (by the way we feature Lupita on the Fashion page right here on, selecting the color, and then printing the perfect shade of eye shadow, or better yet, lipstick. Well, friends, that’s exactly where we’re headed and Grace Choi, founder of the Mink 3D printer, is leading the way!
Now if you’re anything like me, you’ve said, “Ok, what?!?” at least three times while reading this (I told you I was about to blow your mind). But instead of me trying to explain this concept…and very likely jacking it up…hit the video link above to see it for yourself (fast forward to 3:10 to see the actual demo)!
After watching, please share your thoughts in comments below. We’d love to hear from you!
To read more about Choi and why Dior, Chanel, Clinique, MAC, and COVERGIRL have permanently removed her from their Christmas card list, check out the links below:
Nina <3